Welcome to Dex Trading Live!


In less than 24 hours, 95.5% of the available 36 million $DTL have been staked! 🚀🔥🥳

Visit the dApp:


Don’t forget:

🔸 You can now compound your rewards in the same locked vault without changing the unlock date.

🔸 For example, if you have 10 months left on a 12-month vault and add rewards, the unlock date stays the same. This means you can keep adding rewards within the original lock period for even higher gains!

🔸 Since rewards come in constantly, you could claim them multiple times a day and add them to your vault. Compounding boosts your returns significantly!

🔸 Want multiple vaults with different lock periods? No problem! Just use a different address for each vault.

Unlock the Future of Trading with $DTL!

Higlights of $DTL Privilege Club!

The $DTL Privilege Club offers unparalleled benefits and exclusive features for investors.

🔸Advanced Trading Tools
Dex-native wallet with instant execution, multiple transactions per block, and precision limit orders.
🔸High Yield Rewards
Stake $DTL tokens for high APR and real yield rewards from trading related processes.
🔸Exclusive Membership Perks
Tiered memberships (Gold, Platinum, Diamond) with reduced fees, exclusive workshops, investment portfolios and more.
🔸Smart Copy Trading Bots 🤖
Automatically mirror top traders’ strategies and earn rewards effortlessly.

🔸Revolutionary #RWA Bundles 💰

Three dToken bundles tailored to your risk profile with maximum flexibility.


💯 agreed Lars. We don’t stop building!
$DTL offers EVM access to the #RWA on the #Defichain DEX.
Full launch next month 😉

It’s early but: We’d love your feedback! 🙏🏻

How would you rate our performance so far in terms of product innovation, build quality, communication etc. => overall user experience?

If you rate us less than 3 stars, please let us know how we can improve.
#DTLPrivilegeClub $DTL

Let's remind ourselves what $cDFI is!

A token brought to you by @_Crypto_Factor

A token resident on @defichain DMC; contract: 0x80441EEf9E73F5cF587a383BD4e1677E820A483D

A token minted in only one place:
Capped only by the circulating supply of Native

Project Spotlight: DEX Trading Live

@DexTradingLive strives to become the most comprehensive learning resource for trading on DeFiChain’s decentralized exchange (#DEX).

We recently sat down with the founders to learn about their achievements since our last spotlight.

Find out

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Our mission is to promote fully decentralized trading on the DeFiChain DEX and make trading an essential pillar in the ecosystem.

We aspire to create a community of skilled and knowledgeable traders who can leverage the benefits of dToken trading on the DeFiChain DEX, such as low fees, 24/7/365 trading availability, and fractional ownership of stocks.

Our goal is to encourage traders to explore the possibilities of trading on our DEX and educate them on its unique features.

We aim to create an inclusive and engaging community through our Twitter accounts, where traders can connect, ask questions, and share ideas. Together, we can make DefiChain DEX the go-to platform for fully decentralized trading.

The goal of crypto education

  • Empower individuals with knowledge and understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology
  • Enable informed decision-making about investing in cryptocurrencies, using them for transactions, and participating in blockchain-based projects
  • Increase awareness of potential risks, limitations, and regulatory frameworks
  • Promote greater adoption and acceptance of cryptocurrencies
  • Provide tools and knowledge to navigate the rapidly evolving field

Benefits of decentralized trading on a DEX

Trading on the #DEX brings numerous benefits to both traders and the growth of @Defichain:

  • Security: Control your private keys, reducing the risk of hacks.
  •  Anonymity: Trade without KYC, safeguarding privacy.
  • Lower fees: Enjoy cost-effective trading without intermediaries.
  • Interoperability: Trade various cryptocurrencies seamlessly.
  • Decentralization: Eliminate central control and single points of failure.
  • No restrictions: Trade freely 24/7 with no limitations.
  • Engagement: Foster long-term engagement and attract fresh capital.
  • Education: Encourage learning and interaction for profit enhancement.
  • Brand Identity: Cultivate a strong relationship with @Defichain community.
  • Growth: Showcase achievements and convince others to join.
  • Innovation: Trading spurs innovation. Introducing new tools and concepts.
  • Higher APR: Trading commissions benefit the whole community.

These benefits are just some of the reasons why many users choose to trade on a DEX by defichain.com.





Mr. Swayzeee


defichain Puschi


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