DexTradingMasters #7 Anniversary Edition

Our Anniversary edition was a massive success! We gave free access to our brand new Dex-native Trading Wallet, which proved to be a real game changer. The competition was dominated by the craze around GameStop $GME, resulting in phenomenal gains and unprecedented trading strategies.


Phenomenal Gains: This edition saw gains never deemed possible. Those who mastered leverage shorts and timed their trades between long and short positions had a significant advantage. The tight race for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places was only decided on the last day.
Record Participation: With 31 participants, including eight newcomers, interest in the competition and our game-changing wallet was at an all-time high.
Impressive Bot Performance: Our $DTL Bot made a remarkable debut and will drive future staking rewards for $DTL investors.

The Numbers:

DTM7 showcased thrilling trading strategies and battles. THE Wallet made shorting a breeze with its speed and capability for multiple transactions per block. Here are some key stats:
• Average Profit: 348%
• Number of Transactions: Increased by 115%, primarily due to THE Wallet
• Highest Gain: Hulix achieved a staggering 2570%
• Top 10 Average Profit: 1087%
• Top 5 Average Profit: 1824%
• Fastest 3x: MrSwayzeee
• Fastest 10x: Marcel
• Highest Number of Trades: Hulix with 2206 trades
• Highest Ranking Newcomer: Feng, placing 10th
• Most Efficient Trader: MaxL, with a 44% gain from just 7 trades
• DTL Trading Bot: Made an impressive 907% profit

Learning Beyond Gains:

While the financial gains are impressive, the real value lies in the trading lessons learned. This one-month “seminar” was a bargain at just 25 dUSD. We also offer free webinars in both German and English, and our active Telegram channel, Dex Trading Talk, is always open for queries.

What’s Next?

Missed out on DTM7? No worries! DTM8 kicks off after the summer break on 26th August 2024, with registrations opening on 19th August. Bots will remain in the mix! Gear up by exploring trading on the Dex, joining our webinars, and staying engaged through Twitter, Telegram, and YouTube. As always, DTM8 will feature exciting prizes from our sponsors.


DexTradingMasters continues to highlight the vast potential and opportunities in decentralized trading. It’s more than just about profits; it’s about acquiring knowledge, enhancing adaptability, and joining a community of traders exploring the vast possibilities of decentralized finance.