Welcome to Dex Trading Masters Competition!

We are a team of passionate traders who have come together to promote the value of the dToken System on DeFiChain.

Our unique DEX allows you to trade mirror images of stocks (dTokens) without any time constraints, 24/7/365.

We believe that many people overlook the trading possibilities on our DEX and only use it for Liquidity Mining.

Hence, we have created the Dex Trading Masters to encourage traders to participate in a competition with a small but real money trading account, gain experience, and show their skills.

We aim to share knowledge and provide insights into what other traders are doing to help you compare and improve your ranking.

Our team is always available to assist and explain whenever needed.

Terms & Conditions

To join the competition, an enrollment fee is required as follows:

  • Basic: 1000 $DTL
  • $DTL Gold members: 750 $DTL
  • $DTL Platinum members: 500 $DTL
  • $DTL Diamond members: Free
Participation Requirements:
  • Transfer 1000 dUSD and 3 DFI to a new, unused, or emptied DVM address designated exclusively for the competition.
  • Participants can register one week prior to and up to one week after the competition’s official start.
  • The enrollment can be done via THE Wallet at https://defichain.trade/dtw. There is a step by step video guide here.
  • Please send a direct message with your nickname to @honzan9 on either X or Telegram. This information is required to facilitate contact as necessary. Participants who are unreachable will be disqualified from the competition.
  • Your address will be validated by the jury to ensure competition integrity. The DFI will cover UTXO fees for creating a vault, etc. Only one vault is allowed per address for minting dTokens, and collateral must come from the 1000 dUSD invested in the competition.
  • Multiple addresses can be used, provided the enrollment fee and trading capital are paid and deposited for each address. During the four-week competition, no inflows or outflows are permitted from the competition address.
  • For competition updates, join us on Telegram: THE Wallet.
  • With your permission, your nickname will be displayed in the live rankings, and your trading address will be visible for others to follow. If you prefer to keep this information private, please send us a DM to let us know.
  • Wait for confirmation from the operators verifying your address and enrollment.
  • Once enrolled, no further transfers are allowed to or from your trading address.
Trading Rules:
  • All trading instruments available on the DEX, including Liquidity Mining and Future Swaps, are allowed.
  • The jury will oversee all addresses, with tracking conducted on www.defichain.trade.
  • To maintain fairness, artificially boosting your DTM account using your own or third-party accounts is strictly prohibited. Modest trade synchronization between your DTM and other accounts is allowed, but “unreasonable bolstering” (e.g., sandwiching trades resulting in losses or reduced profits on other accounts) will lead to disqualification.
  • The use of bots is permitted! Let’s see who comes out on top: Humans or Bots?
  • The prize pool will be funded by enrollment fees and sponsors.
Event Details:
  • The competition is open to all levels of trading experience. Even new traders have a chance to win, thanks to the unpredictable nature of the market. With a low trading capital requirement, the event is accessible to as many participants as possible.
  • The competition’s start and end will be marked by specific blocks, and no trades are allowed before or after these blocks. Block numbers can be found here.
  • After the competition ends, the jury will announce the winner. All traders must close their trades before the final block, which marks the competition’s end. Any trades executed after this block will result in disqualification.
  • To determine the winner, participants must ensure their trading address contains only dUSD. No DFI, dTokens, or Vault balances will be considered. The participant with the highest amount of dUSD will be declared the winner.
Fair Play and Integrity:
  • This competition is a trading event, not a gambling scenario. The goal is to increase capital by trading dTokens on a decentralized exchange.
  • Our jury will closely monitor for any suspicious trading activities, and serious violations will lead to disqualification.
Feedback and Support:
  • Your feedback is valuable! If you’d like to offer input or sponsorship, please contact us via:
    • Twitter: @DefiDexTrader, @honzan9, @Defichaintrade, @dPuschiii
    • Telegram: @honzan9

Important: Follow these steps carefully to ensure a smooth registration process. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out. Good luck in the competition!

Are you ready for the first Dex Trading Masters in 2025?

🚀DTM 11 is around the corner and has prepared some surprises  🚀

Hard facts about this edition:

  • start capital 500 $DUSD
  • registration starts January 20th
  • trading starts on February 3rd
  • trading ends on March 17th

Maybe you recognized, it is a 6-week Edition  and therefore a lot of time for one-time events and rewards!

Also in this edition you will get FREE ACCESS TO THE WALLET and at the top, there is a good chance of ending (last two weeks) without the dynamic fee, so perfect conditions to first show off your knowledge and then we might have the familiar tradable DEX for everybody!

The DTM couldn’t be complete without our Generous Sponsors:

For registration just contact us on x via dm or one of the team members on telegram.

 Please provide us the following information: Nickname, DVM address (competition address), EVM address (for possible winnings)

🌟 Crypto Warriors, Ready Your Wallets!

Stay in touch via:




  • 20. 01. 2025

    Registration open

  • ~3. 2. 2025

    ~3. 2. 2025

  • ~17. 2. 2025

DTM Participants

ManOfTheWoods df1qgcaqerd2pvsxzgktqchqt8kgzanwn8x6ht2dwe
Hapesilver df1qam8g283er4hemja6evn67yu4sp6t2whp9yahrj
Satoshishredder df1qp97z853p40lawrehjc2vmaq34mqjyr0l3jgpql
BlockchainBandit df1qt7kfjk0cz8pxj496su7gnv5hprmc0zpz3s8mgp
OLDMAN df1q265tvpq0qgn86kamsj2vvsngl2thax6gtu5464
The TAX Intern df1qeppg7het87g6m3vfxq9ty93yjcfgk2w0ehjm7u
Ferhat df1qs2kuguyge9pxtcnkdezgawh8xg82qpjxwn6r87
DCPuschi df1qq9s5cumykc3desu5cgvqdc3tgz4qfg6j9sv5rm
PumpOrPlummet df1qsz4elj7tmkhrpmpn56zkhrlk6zcnhmz0w30l3n
DeFiNinja df1qqp4khytmxz7qeycypylfzkjueu3ycf0u4dpvhw
HODLMyBeer df1q5d8ydf75fxe6hvhtk3k76rr2sn0wdmczr0vrad
MrInterchain df1qypeaczvjf44p9pn2eckjdk0hr7gaftmesvykar
MoonChaser69 df1q8z6p9njwgyn3l8aq5y0ll8puhaxzjz5t0taw2p
Pyroguy df1qe97scap6v7aja6n46z36pw3kju7gv6mmyjjvan
Voyager df1qszzfq23vazy5x0qa2agg7xqfhht20yjk35fcgr
RaceTortuga df1qk9xcpervmew2pqxhuaum6zvefr4lkq8ndgh3k7
Spencer df1q9zllgs3dllat68725za6rznwacyttsfrz43jlh
Hulix df1qt473w2plu9hw46a8j50hx6welwavdku90hfa3f
Pasydog df1quqz997zkd7n8kcfm96fmrptsv0rrqt50q4uddj
SlopesideMattL df1qmezct5puttlgpdjnn2q9guaelzurhxwd366xcl
Phantomas df1qkn9lq88f984jsg2yhqj6wa33acnwyvrkqgztj2

DTM Prize Pool


Introduction DEX-Trading:
